*****Appreciated Images, LLC. Is not affiliated with the United States Air Force or any other government agencies or military entities. Thoughts and expressions are solely those of the individuals interviewed and do not reflect or represent the thoughts of Appreciated Images, LLC. or any government agencies or military entities discussed.*****
Appreciated Images Episode 2
PO2 Michael De Leon - US Navy
PO2 [Petty Officer Second Class] Michael De Leon details his journey from California civilian to a first term Sailor in the US Navy.
He covers the below topics and more:
Picking his job in the Navy
Entering with a record of speeding/parking tickets
Sustaining a relationship/marriage entering and during service
Pipelining from A-school to special training
Working a crew shift schedule
Benefits of staying vs. benefits of getting out the military
Working a shore duty in Denver, CO
Life in the Navy when you are not on ship duty
Appreciated Images Episode 3
A1C Carain Dadivas - US Air Force
A1C [Airmen First Class] Carain Dadivas details her journey from Las Vegas civilian to a first term Airman in the US Air Force.
She covers the below topics and more:
Dealing with helpful and passive recruiters
Military Entry Processing
Family support in joining
Working as a chowrunner in BMT
Trading orders in Tech School
Being on casual status while waiting to do your job
Working a shift schedule
Difference between male and female BMT flights
Growing into a different person
Appreciated Images Episode 4
MSgt John P. McIntosh - US Air Force
MSgt [Master Sergeant] John P. McIntosh details his journey through a 19yr. career in the US Air Force.
He covers the below topics and more:
Advice from his recruiter
His reason for cross training(Security Forces to Chaplain Assistant)
Experience as a Chaplain Assistant
Challenges of having 100% confidentiality
Different cultures of various bases around the world
Changes he's seen since joining the Air Force
Appreciated Images Episode 5
CH Captain Brett Campbell - US Air Force
Chaplain Captain Brett Campbell details his journey starting with the US Navy and transitioning to the US Air Force to become the only Buddhist Chaplain serving.
He covers the below topics and more:
Differences between military and civilian chaplains
Deciding which service to join
Various military schooling and training(COT and Chaplain School)
His personal program he developed while serving
His motivation for continued service
Advice for people seeking to become a chaplain
Appreciated Images Episode 6
PO3 Alexandra Mejia - US Navy
Petty Officer Third Class Alexandra Mejia details her journey from a small hamlet in Fillmore, NY to a US Navy Sailor
She covers the below topics and more:
Small town life before enlisting
Witnessing divorces in the military
Working in a joint service environment
Navy life on shore duty
LGBT hardships in and out of the military
Interesting stories from her journey
Appreciated Images Episode 7
Michael Sullivan - Air Force Veteran
Veteran Michael Sullivan shares his coming from a small town in Illinois. He has a few stops on his journey to the Air Force, including a stint at Disney's Animal Kingdom. His interview also details his life after his time in the military and he gives solid advice on transitioning out of the service.
He covers the below topics and more:
Education before joining and during his time in service
Working for Disney World in Orlando, FL
Military to Military Marriage
Cross Branch Marriage
Deciding to leave the service
Humanitarian work
Overseas vs. Stateside assignments
Appreciated Images Episode 8
SrA Sarah Angier - US Air Force
Raised in Saluda, North Carolina Sarah Angier shares her story of having to change directions from trying to commission as an Air Force Officer to joining the enlisted side of service. Trials and triumphs from her time as a Junior Enlisted Airmen and inspiring stories that keep her motivated to retire from the Air Force.
She covers the following topics:
Going through the Air Force Nursing Program
Awkward MEPS experiences
Her time on Honor Guard
Maintaining a mil to mil relationship
Struggles of being a leader in BMT